Our home break has changed and so has the nature of the waves that are commonly found there and so the type of boards that are required to successfully ride them also changes.
Remembering previous home break buddy Surfer Pete's recent acquisition and highly praised acquisition of a McTavish Carver, during a recent morning surf, at which the local surf shop owner turned up for a quickie before opening up, I discovered that this very same board was available from said local surf owner's shop and that he had one also and was equally impressed.
"How much for an 8' or so McTavish Carver." I asked?
"Come in to the shop and I will be able to give you a price." he replied!
So the other day I did and a big red 8' 1" Carver is on the way as I write!
So this means that the 7' 4" x 21.5" x 3.15" thruster and 6' 10" x 21.75" x 2.7" fish that Aido shaped to accommodate a big guy such as my good self need to be sold to help to pay for this new acquisition!
Interested in either or both?