Yesterday, for the 3rd week in a row, we left the beach without getting a surf at all. It was lumpy and straight which was probably caused because the inlet had opened again which destroyed what little there was of the existing banks. So it was back home and off to the Denmark house to continue the final fitting out. Very frustrating and I feel like I am starting to lose some degree of my surf fitness.
Wish we got waves like this around here more often. Nice to have a choice to either take off deep or way out on the shoulder depending on your whim/expertise/courage at the time.
Korduroy TV have got started and of particular interest for this blog is the video series called "All Yew" which features 2 - 4 minute shows about people making and riding wave craft born from their imagination including anything from toilet lids to thrusters!
There are two so far, one from Tom Wegener and the other about the Patagonia Alaia shaping event
I had to post this sequence as it so encapsulates what this blog is all about. An important part in the film & the underlying message is inherently clear: the credo of 'ride everything' isn't about trying to be one of the cool kids, it's about broadening one's experiences as a surfer & engaging with the sea in deeper ways.
Seaworthy is the long awaited second offering from independent filmmaker Nathan Oldfield, the maker of the highly regarded and award winning underground surf film Lines from a Poem.
Nearly three years in the making, Seaworthy documents a variety of individuals and the different ways that they approach wave riding.
The film presents a left of center look at the diversity in surfing, including the riding of alaias, olos, singlefins, twins, thrusters, quads, fish, logs, toothpicks, surfmats, and body surfing.
It's a unique, intimate and timeless perspective of surfing, surfers and the environment in which they live and find their being.
Beautifully shot and artistically constructed, Seaworthy features Tom Wegener, Beau Young, Dave Rastovich, Alex Knost, Dane Peterson, Belinda Baggs-Peterson, Sage Joske, Heath Joske, CJ Nelson, Heydon Bunting, Matt Chojnacki, Carl Gonsalves, Sean Finnelley and others.
Finally got a surf today at the point! There is definitely a nice build up of sand there and if you catch it in the right conditions it works just fine.
It was something like the pic to the left but steeper and quicker with some bigger sets coming through.
So out came the bodyboard and I got 6 waves straight away before I could get a bit of a breather. I even got into a barrel momentarily. How do I know? I wasn't expecting it and got flipped over before I could set the rail.
Michelle brought her bodyboard out also and was a happy camper after the session too.
Having felt we really needed some reward for the slogging effort we have put into the building project for the last 2 weeks it was nice to finally receive it!