Sometime ago I discovered that for a really very reasonable price one could acquire a hardcopy of one's blog from Blog2Print.
Just for interests sake, at the time, I ordered a digital copy of my Ramsnake blog.
But my beloved Michelle, who is concerned I might not live long enough to learn to ride a surf mat well, went ahead and ordered a hardcopy of her blog and a damned fine book it turned out to be.
Today she ordered a 2nd volume of her blog so I thought
"What the heck, let's get a hardcopy of the 1st year of Waveriders posts!"
So I have made an order too, the front cover of which is shown above.
Cost $50AU or so..............Bargain!
Well, worth considering for your own blog if you care about what you write.
Nice.......I am still enjoying my first and can't wait for the second. Does that make me sound self-obsessed??